
More analysis and discussion

No underwater observations today. Dolphins are very tactile, seemingly almost always in physical contact with schoolmates. One of the topics we are studying is how dolphins use their pectoral fins (flippers) to exchange touches and rubs. Because the RIMS dolphins are in human care, they potentially receive more contact. Their trainers definitely touch them. We are interested in knowing if the observed dolphin/dolphin contact was less here, could trainer/dolphin contact be a factor?
Not so much. These dolphins are just as touchy as the ones in the Bahamas and Japan, at least from preliminary review of our data.

Final ECD testing

Great Stuff! clicks and more Our third ECD testing, gathering details on the directivity of dolphin clicks, had us asking dolphins to remain stationary approximately 15-20 feet (5-6 m) from Kathleen and the MVA3. And, then echolocate and head scan at the MVA3. Most did this in their own unique way. Maury was touching her mom, Gracie, as she checked out the MVA3. Cedena did a head (rostrum) stand and clicked with one head scan on her way up for air.


Hurray, after about 4 mo of little rain. There were two birds outside our cabin fluffing and vocalizing with delight as the rain fell. Likely their first bath in some time. They were happy (or seemed so to us).
Afternoon saw us with more ECD testing. Today, Eldon was in the water to Kathleen's right, then left. We asked Paya and Esteban, alternately, to approach Kathleen then veer to Eldon. Why? We wanted to record the dolphin echolocation and click side bands to examine these aspects of their sounds.