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Dolphin Pectoral Fin Contact (2024)
Maternal Style (2024)
Peer Reviewed Articles
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Duda, S. M., Themelin, M., Hirons, A. C., & Dudzinski, K. M. (2024). Contact Exchanges in Bottlenose Dolphin Mother–Calf Pairs. Aquatic Mammals, 50(1), 19-29. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Manitzas Hill, H. M. M., Highfill, L., Bolton, T., Henriquez, W., Dudzinski, K., Gutierrez, M ., Birk, D., & Yeater, D . (2023). Effects of Human-Dolphin Interactions on Tourist Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Dolphins. Society & Animals (published online ahead of print 2023). or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Carzon, P., Clua, E., Dudzinski, K.M., Delfour, F. 2023. Deleterious behaviors and risks related to close interactions between humans and free-ranging dolphins: A review. Biological Conservation: 279. Free download through April 4, 2023.
Levengood, A., Melillo-Sweeting, K., Ribic, C.A., Beck, A.J., Dudzinski, K.M. (2022). Shoreline distribution of dolphins along North Bimini Island, The Bahamas. Caribbean Journal of Science, 52(2), 162-176. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Danaher-Garcia N., Connor R., Fay G., Melillo-Sweeting K., Dudzinski K.M. (2022). Using social network analysis to confirm the ‘gambit of the group’ hypothesis for a small cetacean. Behavioural Processes. 200: or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Melillo-Sweeting, K., Maust-Mohl, M., & Smukall, M. J. (2021). Examining shark bite scars on dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas: Comparisons between bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins. Marine Mammal Science, 1-11. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dunn, C, Claridge, D, Herzing, D, Volker, C, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Wells, RS, Turner, T, and O’Sullivan, K. 2020. Satellite-Linked Telemetry Study of a Rehabilitated and Released Atlantic Spotted Dolphin in the Bahamas Provides Insights into Broader Ranging Patterns and Conservation Needs. Aquatic Mammals, 46(6), 633-639. DOI:
Themelin, M, Ribic, CA, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Dudzinski, KM (2020). New approach for relationship quality study in dolphins. Behavioural Processes. 181: 104260. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Matrai, E, Ng, AKW, Chan, MMH, Gendron, SM, & Dudzinski, KM. (2020). Testing use of a cognitive enrichment device by an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Zoo Biology, 1-12. DOI: or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Danaher-Garcia, NA, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Dudzinski, KM. (2019). Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) off Bimini, The Bahamas, exhibit long-term preferences in association (2003-2016). Acta Ethologica,
Carzon, P, Delfour, F, Dudzinski, K, Oremus, M, & Clua, E. (2019). Cross-genus adoptions in delphinids: one example with taxonomic discussion. Ethology, 00, 1â8. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12916 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Eireman, LE, Laccetti, K, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Kaplan, JD. (2019). Interspecies pectoral fin contact between bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas. Animal Behaviour, 157, 167-176. Visit Animal Behaviour or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, Yeater, D, Bolton, T, Eskelinen, H, Hill, H. (2018). Defining creativity and confirming understanding of the concept in dolphins: research and training perspectives. Aquatic Mammals. 44(4), 426-436. Visit to purchase or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Harvey, BS, Dudzinski, KM, Kuczaj, SA. (2017). Associations and the role of affiliative, agonistic, and socio-sexual behavior among common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Behavioural Processes, 135, 145-156. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, & Ribic, CA (2017). Pectoral fin contact as a mechanism for social bonding among dolphins. Animal Behavior & Cognition, 4(1), 30-48. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Kaplan, JD, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Reiss, D. (2017). Biphonal calls in Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): bitonal and burst-pulse whistles. Bioacoustics, DOI:10.1080/09524622.2017.1300105. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Melillo-Sweeting, K, Yeater, D, Dudzinski, KM. (2015). Dolphin sightings near the coast of Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003–2013. Aquatic Mammals, 41.3, 245-251. DOI: 10.1578/AM.41.3.2015.245. Visit to purchase or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
McIntosh, B, Dudzinski, KM, & Mercado, E III. (2015). Do dolphins’ whistles reveal their age and sex? Animal Behavior & Cognition, 2(4), 313-333 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, Marshall, CD, & Reidenberg, JS. (2013). Air Release from the Left Orbit of an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus): Symptomatic and Anatomical Aspects. Aquatic Mammals, 39(1), 97-100. Visit to purchase or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Whitt AD, Dudzinski K, & Lalibertà JR. (2013). North Atlantic right whale distribution and seasonal occurrence in nearshore waters off New Jersey, USA, and implications for management. Endangered Species Research, 20, 59-69. To request a PDF copy of this article, please email Amy Whitt at adwhitt{at}
Vaughn-Hirshorn, RL, Muzi, E, Richardson, JL, Fox, GJ, Hansen, LN, Salley, AM, Dudzinski, KM, & Wursig, B. (2013). Dolphin underwater bait-balling behaviors in relation to group and prey ball sizes, Behavioural Processes, I7, 10.1016/j.beproc.2013.04.003. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Evans-Wilent, J, & Dudzinski, KM. (2013). Vocalizations associated with pectoral fin contact in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Behavioural Processes, 100, 74-81. 10.1016/j.beproc.2013.07.025 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Melillo-Sweeting, K, Turnbull SD, & Guttridge, TL. (2013). Evidence of shark attacks on Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) off Bimini, The Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science, 30(3), 1158-1164. DOI:10.1111/mms.12082. or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Vaughn-Hirshorn, R., Hodge, K.B., Wursig, B., Sappenfield, R.H., Lammers, M.O., Dudzinski, K.M. (2012). Characterizing dusky dolphin sounds from Argentina and New Zealand. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 132(1), 498-506. Visit or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Melillo-Sweeting, K, Reid, J, Gittens, L, Adimey, N, & Dillet, J. (2011). Observations and relocation of a West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) off Bimini, The Bahamas. Aquatic Mammals, 37(4), 502 – 505. DOI 10.1578/AM.37.4.20011.502. Visit to purchase or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, Gregg, JD, Paulos, RD, & Kuczaj, SA. (2010). A comparison of pectoral fin contact behaviour for three distinct dolphin populations. Behavioural Processes, 84, 559-567 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, Brown, SJ, Lammers, M, Lucke, K, Mann, D, Simard, P, Wall, C, Rasmussen, MH, Magnúsdóttir, EE, Tougaard, J, & Eriksen, N. (2010). Trouble-shooting deployment and recovery options for various stationary passive acoustic monitoring devices in both shallow and deep water applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 129, Issue 1 (Abstract here. Copyright (2010) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.)
Dudzinski, KM, Gregg, JD, Ribic, CA, & Kuczaj, SA. (2009). A comparison of pectoral fin contact between two different wild dolphin populations. Behavioural Processes, 80, 182-190 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Melillo, KE, Dudzinski, KM, & Cornick, LA. (2009). Interactions between Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003-2007. Aquatic Mammals, 35, 281-291 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Paulos, RD, Dudzinski, KM, & Kuczaj, SA. (2007). The role of touch in select social interactions of Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) Journal of Ethology, 26, 153-164 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Gregg, JD, Dudzinski, KM, & Smith, HV. (2007). 3D MASC: a method for estimating relative head angle and spatial distance of dolphins from underwater video footage. Animal Behaviour doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2007.09.009 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Kogi, K, Hishii, T, Imamura, A, Iwatani, T, & Dudzinski, KM. (2004). Preliminary demographic parameters and reproductive rates of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) around Mikura Island, Japan. Marine Mammal Science, 20(3), 510-526 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, M. Sakai, M, Masaki, K, Kogi, K, Hishii, T, & Kurimoto, M. (2003). Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals, 29(1), 108-116 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Dudzinski, KM, Frohoff, TG, Shoda, LKM., & Sparks, TD. (1991). The Pine Warbler song repertoire: a preliminary description and analysis. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society, 24(2), 30-38.
Dudzinski, KM, & Neff, NA. (1990). A technique for the combination of clearing, staining, and injecting small mammals. Stain Technology, 65(3), 113-118 or Contact DCP (info{at}dcpmail{dot}org) to request a PDF.
Book Chapters
Dudzinski, KM, Mateleska, ME (2019). Conservation and education through dolphin research and eco-tourism. In (AB Kaufman, MJ Bashaw, TL Maple eds). Scientific Foundations of Zoos and Aquariums: Their Role in Conservation and Research. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Dudzinski, KM, Hill, HM (2018). Cetacean Communication. Pp. 1-12. In (J Vonk, TK Shackelford eds). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer International Publishing AG. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_991-1
Dudzinski, KM, Gregg, J (2017). Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, third edition. Academic Press, Inc. (pp. 210-215).
Dudzinski, K.M., Douaze, E., Thomas, J. (2002) Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press, Inc.
Popular Publications (sample only)
Melillo-Sweeting, K. (2018). Connect the Dots. Coastal Angler Magazine, January.
Gregg, J. (2012). Will humans ever be able to speak or even understand dolphin? New Scientist, July 7, 57.
Dudzinski, K.M. (2003) Minding Our Manners: Learning the proper etiquette for Swimming with Dolphins by Observing their Interactions. In: TG Frohoff, B Petersen (editors). Between Species. Sierra Club Books.
Dudzinski, K. M. (1998). The Best Kept Secret in Dolphin Swim Programs. Whalewatcher. Fall/Winter. 6 pp.
Dudzinski, K.M., Perrine, D. (1997). Dolphins Behaving Badly? Dive International Magazine. December Issue. Amano, M. Barbosa, C., Dudzinski, K.M., Kawaguchi, N., Kikuchi, K., Mori, Moyer, J.T., K., Orams, M.C., Soeda, R., Taguchi, S., Yoshioka, M. 1998. Interactions with Dolphins and Whales. Japanese Publishers & sponsored by Omega.
Dudzinski, K.M. (1996). Final Summary Report to OSE: Communication in Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis): Relationships between vocal and behavioral activities. Oceanic Society Expeditions. San Francisco. 18pp.
Dudzinski, K.M., Fertl, D., Megill, W., Baird, R.W., Stern, S.J. (1995). Scientific correspondence: Report on group size workshop from the Tenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Email: Marmam Net. 3pp.
Dudzinski, K.M., Graham, C.M. (1992). An Introductory Trail Guide to Blackbird Caye. Texas A&M University Print Shop, Galveston. 62pp.
Dudzinski, K.M. (2000) Meeting Dolphins: My adventures in the Sea. National Geographic Publications.
Theses and Dissertations
Reily, G. (2014) Whistle Types in a Captive Bottlenose Dolphin Population (Tursiops truncatus). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. NOVA Southeastern University, Florida.
Levengood, A. (2013) Is blood thicker than water? The role of kin and non-kin in non-mother-calf associations of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).Unpublished Master’s Thesis. St. Andrews University, Scotland.
McIntosh, B. (2013) Examining dolphin whistles via neural networks. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. SUNY Buffalo, NY.
Miller, L. (2010) Conflict management in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS.
Beard, K. (2008) Use of Bubble Emissions by Bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) Relative to Age and Sex. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Makepeace, S. (2008) Structural changes in dolphin tonal vocalizations in a changing soundscape: A field study. Unpublished Master’s Thesis
Dudinski KM (1996) Communication and behavior in the Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): relationship between vocal and behavioral activities. Dissertation Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station.
Scientists Collaborating with DCP
Independent Study Paper written in conjunction with DCP
Lovejoy, P. (2013) Examining Social Quality between Dolphin Dyads. Independent Study Paper. Connecticut College: New London, CT