Packing Day Is Upon Us!
We leave tomorrow for Nassau & DE Tomorrow we meet the six kids from five BGCA groups that will join us in the Bahamas for our research at Dolphin Encounters (DE). Today and tonight is for packing gear and clothing. And, to be sure that we have all the permits and data sheets copied for travel.
MaryEllen, from the aquarium, is joining me to lead the trip. John is joining us to video-document the trip for the BGCA groups.
Being a Sea Lion guinea pig – sort of!
Today we cleaned, packed and met the sea lions at DE ... met the sea lions! There are 5 females and 1 male sea lions at Dolphin Encounters. They are practicing for meet & greets with guests and the trainers used us for additional practice. We did not mind at all!
Mats and his team also got to participate in a dolphin swim with Soca, Nina and Missy. They were kissed by dolphins and pinnipeds today! Is there any better way to end a successful field season?!
Tonight is packing for airplane travel and our respective returns home.
Our last Day of Data Collection
The morning was filled with data collection, the afternoon with sightseeing. Today was our last day for data collection. I promised John to assist him with a few interviews on camera and Mats, Christer, Josefin and Sofia went to see a bit of Nassau for a couple of hours in the afternoon. They very much enjoyed the Pirate Museum!
We had an exceptionally successful winter session for data collection here at Dolphin Encounters. We used the MVA, MOSART and Pec Pacs, and the new ELVIS system.