The morning was filled with data collection, the afternoon with sightseeing.
Today was our last day for data collection. I promised John to assist him with a few interviews on camera and Mats, Christer, Josefin and Sofia went to see a bit of Nassau for a couple of hours in the afternoon. They very much enjoyed the Pirate Museum!
We had an exceptionally successful winter session for data collection here at Dolphin Encounters. We used the MVA, MOSART and Pec Pacs, and the new ELVIS system. We are learning much about how dolphins use their echolocation for communication and benthic feeding. We are learning much about their signals and how there are many similarities between dolphins in human care and those in the wild.
Tomorrow is a day for rinsing gear, packing and thanking everyone.
We look forward to much data analyses during the rest of the winter and spring months.
Cheers for now.