Windy Day followed by Fiesta Night!!

The day dawned windy with rain (not quite “cloudy with a chance of meatballs”!😉). No AM underwater data collection but lots of surface dolphin observations today. The guys did a second day of dives on the south side of Roatan. The day was full of wind from the southern tip of Hurricane Milton. Their first dive was a wall dive and the second was at Pillar Coral. Their underwater visibility was exceptionally good – let’s hope it hold for over here tomorrow.

The evening was a yummy fiesta night (though no mac ‘n cheese) with lively conversation and delicious vittles. The Garifuna dancers were entertaining and the contests fun to watch. Tomorrow will bring more dives and hopefully more data collection and dolphin observations.

Until then,


Kathleen, Bill, Don & Will – DCP’s 2024 October Ecotour Crew