In this Deep Dive, DCP is joined by Valeria Paz, a PhD candidate at Florida International University, where she has been studying the ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Everglades since 2014.
Valeria explains how she is using passive acoustic technology to better understand the habitat use of bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Everglades estuary.
Curious about the other study Valeria references in her talk (other researchers’ passive acoustic studies after hurricanes)? Download Fandel et al. (“Effects of intense storm events on dolphin occurance and foraging behavior”) by clicking here.
This program is geared toward ages 14 and up, but all are welcome. You can find other DCP Deep Dive and Dolphin Lesson webinars on our website under the Education menu item in webinars or on DCP’s YouTube channel.
Original airdate: November 12, 2020