The last 3 months flew by at record speed! And, tomorrow I return to Roatan, specifically Anthony’s Key Resort (AKR) and the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS) to continue our study of the bottlenose dolphin social behavior. This week is an ecotour with DCP, not a field course. We have two returning supportive participants (Don and Bill) and two newbies (Clairelynn and Will). I look forward to sharing the updates from our research analyses (contact, offspring impact, pair swim positions, object play – so many ongoing studies nearing first step conclusion) as well as our collection methods with these folks. I’m looking forward to seeing the dolphins but also to reconnecting with the trainers and other folks at AKR, many of whom have become my second family! Of course, to start this week off, I have to share a fun photo of Tank, Lenca, Buzz, and Stan wrestling above my fin from last spring.
Stay tuned for updates from the field. The forecast seems to be mostly sunny and the tropics are mostly quiet, which is a good thing this time of year. Here’s hoping it stays that way at least for the coming week.
Until tomorrow,