Thursday morning began with surface observations and space use data collection while Kathleen collected underwater video data. The session was shortened because the adult male dolphins showed a bit too much interest in Kathleen’s fins. After breakfast, we spent time listening to Samir Galindo as he spoke a bit about the history of AKR and the approach that they have to sustainability and management of the facility. We learned much from him and asked numerous questions. After his chat, we watched the video from the morning. Kathleen got a long follow of Gracie and Trixie and of Poli and Kami. The males were very social with each other. The afternoon was spent in collecting more space use data and then listening to Jen Keck speak about coral restoration. We have hope that coral reefs can be restored after listening to her presentation. Tonight was our night snorkel and it was a bit scary but also lots of fun!
Aria – I had a wonderful time at dinner seeing an interesting way of eating pasta, which included a fork and slicing and a pat down.
Hannah – During the night snorkel I saw an octopus and lots of brittle stars.
Natalie – I enjoyed an amazing nap before an even better night snorkel.
Sydney – I got to see one of my favorite marine animals, the octopus, on the night snorkel and then laughed until I could not breathe at dinner. (she’s breathing now.)
Hattie – I saw so many little “shrimpees” on our night snorkel.
Kiki – I finally got to take a picture of the chitins around the island and during the snorkel I saw a live conch.
Memphis – I saw a lionfish on the night snorkel.
Grace – I enjoyed listening to Samir Galindo talk about AKR and the business side of the resort.
Blake – I enjoyed the night snorkel a lot more than I thought I would, and I saw the biggest crab (maybe a hermit) in a conch shell under the boat.
Isabella – The night snorkel was a lot more cool than it was scary and we saw a lot of cool animals.
Julia – I’m so happy I got to see an octopus on the night snorkel.
Mel – The night snorkel was super cool and I saw a lionfish and it reminded me of my favorite show New Girl.
Shane – Two of the most entertaining meals I’ve had in a long time from the amazing discomfort of Kathleen at lunch to I don’t know what was being done with pasta at dinner. The students did an amazing job on the night snorkel.
Manon – Great vis on the night snorkel with two octopuses and a moray eel. Still, the water was too warm.
Tomorrow is our last full day at AKR and it will start like the others with AM data but then we will snorkel the reef.
Until then,
The Waterproof Rams
P.S. Hattie and Mel won the dance contest at the Fiesta night … so our record of a win still holds!