It is the rainy season afterall.
It is very nice to have 'my own' house. That is to have a cooking and bath facilities in the same place that I sleep and work on data. I met with Masaki and Mai today and we talked about a paper we are writing with Kogi and a few others. It is about the behavior of dolphins (mostly males) around two dead dolphin bodies: one male and one female. The dead dolphins were observed in two different years and in two different locations. We should be able to submit the paper in July to a journal. I will post the summary to the field reports in late June … still needs some working on to get it in final form. I also did some reading of a few other papers. And, since it was a rainy day … I even took a nap. I believe I needed it to ward off a cold that was trying to take hold. Always happens to me about a week after plane travel. I heard from Robin & Joana, and they arrived safely to Tokyo. The ferry company warned them that the sea was rough and they might not land at Mikura. We think they will be able to … and if not, then there is a second chance in the afternoon. It will be good to have them here and to share my work and the dolphins around Mikura with researchers from a USA University. Our collaboration will broaden our (the kenkyukai and DCP's) scope and understanding of dolphins and their behavior by welcoming new ideas and views. Well, we are hoping that the weather improves tomorrow because we will go out to sea in the afternoon if it does. Okay … till tomorrow. Cheers Kathleen