Fixing one ECD Control Arm |
I have a couple of more days till I get to Mikura and can assemble my camera housing and other gear. Still, I found time to fix one arm on the Click Detector (ECD) face (top) plate. Since I have a newer DAT recorder now, the arm needed to be slightly adjusted so as to allow it access to the record button. On the outside of the housing my array has magnetic trigger switches that operate the electronic remote for the camera. Since an electronic remote doesn’t really exist for the DAT (as I use it), I made mechanical switches to actually push the record, play and stop buttons on my recorder through the housing. I simply shaved off a bit of the side of the arm and it works just fine now.
Yesterday afternoon, the wind picked up a bit and is now southwest (SW). The wind is still up … about 15-20 mph. Thus, the swells and surface chop are high, about 1.5 and 0.5 meters, respectively. Some of the boats went over to Mikura from Miyake yesterday and had several smaller groups (6-8 dolphins) bow-riding. They were also able to observe the dolphins a few times under water just east of Motone.
I’ll be referring to places around Mikura that you can find on the map on this site. Also, I will begin introducing some Japanese words and will include the English meaning the first time I use them in parentheses. To start, kaze ga suyoi desu (the wind is strong.) – kaze = wind and suyoi = strong.
One last parting note, this is my friend, Hitomi’s birthday. Hitomi is in high school and an avid swimmer. Happy Birthday Hitomi!!