Dolphin Encounters

More data, and Atlantis

Today's data includes footage of another calf! Twice today I swam with Soca, Miss Merlin, Nina, and Nina's calf. Nina and her calf came closer to me and the MVA than Dot and her calf have - he even came up to me by himself once or twice! I saw a lot of bubbles from Nina, also, both while she was with her calf and while the calf was separated from her. Our afternoon was spent wandering around (and getting lost in) Atlantis, scouting out possibilities for teenagers and adults to explore on upcoming trips.

A nice afternoon at Ardastra Gardens & Zoo This morning I was able to collect data from the older male dolphins (Jake, Fatman, and McGyver) and from Dot and her calf. After two half-hour data collection sessions, MaryEllen and I continued to explore all that Nassau has to offer.

Data collection went well this morning After collecting an hour of video with the dolphins at DE, MaryEllen and I explored Paradise Island a bit today, as research for activities for the EcoTours and Teen Trips that we are planning for the future. One of our main goals this January is to plan out these trips, so we spent the day looking for daily activities, including snorkelling trips, educational tours, and places to eat.