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February 28, 2023, Noon, ET (UTC -5)
Join us as Emma Chereskin talks about the male bottlenose dolphins of Shark Bay, Australia. These dolphins form the most complex alliance structure outside of humans. Forming alliances, and maintaining those friendships, is vital in securing paternities and protecting females from rival males. In this talk, we will explore the wide variety of mechanisms, such as touch, synchrony, and sound, used by these dolphins to maintain their decades-long friendships. Emma is a marine mammal scientist and current Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bristol, UK, supervised by Dr. Stephanie King. Her research explores the role of vocal signals in facilitating cooperative acts in male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin alliances as a part of Shark Bay Dolphin Research in Shark Bay, Western Australia.
This Deep Dive is geared toward ages 14+, but all are welcome.
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Meeting ID: 864 4120 7603
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