DCP Deep Dive: Quieting Noise in the Sea – Acoustic Damage to Whales and What We Can Do About It

Whales and dolphins are sensitive to underwater noise pollution.  Topics covered in this talk include the main sources of underwater noise pollution, the various impacts that have been found, and possible solutions. This talk was led by Dr. Lindy Weilgart.

CW: A graphic image is shown from approximately 16:08 – 17:23. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dr. Weilgart has been specializing in underwater noise pollution and its effects on marine life for over 30 years.  She is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Canada, and Senior Ocean Noise Expert and Policy Consultant for OceanCare, a Swiss NGO, serving as invited noise expert for the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), International Maritime Organization (IMO), U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, International Whaling Commission (IWC), among others.

Deep Dives are geared toward ages 14+, but all are welcome.

You can also find other DCP webinars here on our website (look under the Knowledge Hub), our YouTube Channel or on our Vimeo page.

Recorded June 2024.