We had a thunderstorm last night! It was nature’s light show with a loud orchestra! Our towels survived the night clipped to the line outside. The dawn was not bright because of overcast clouds, which we welcomed since the humidity was lessened and the air not hugely hot! We did not get rained on during data collection and we had lots of underwater upside-down swims by the dolphins. It was comical to see all the white bellies zipping around the main lagoon! Sam and Chloe, two of Teri’s interns, helped with space use data collection this morning – thank you! We also got two afternoon baseline space use data collection sessions completed. Between AM and afternoon data, we were visited by Savanna’s Gizmo who was prepared to scuba dive today … see the featured photo. We think the dolphin Gizmo is named for this gremlin, even though dolphin Gizmo is not as brave as the gremlin Gizmo … and dolphin Gizmo is wet all the time, not just after midnight!
The late afternoon saw Kathleen, Manon, and Savanna chatting with high school students from Woodside Priory school who are here on their field course. Bill did the afternoon dive and thoroughly enjoyed himself; he saw two turtles this morning, but the afternoon was a nice dive with fish and relaxation in the water.
Tomorrow, we repeat it all with a Fiesta night … as we returned from dinner, we were visited by hermit crab #34 from last week! Maybe he was getting ready for the races tomorrow night!
Kathleen, Manon, Savanna & Bill