Our last full day began like the others – with dolphin data collection and observations. What was very different to the other days was the very strong winds and also the strong current. Dr. D was only able to collect about 20 min of underwater video. Still the dolphins were fun to watch and to see them play in the choppy waves. We also had an informal discussion with Samir Galindo, General Manager of AKR. It was educational to learn a bit more about the resort and facility history and to hear about the sustainable conservation programs ongoing here.
After a yummy lunch, we all went for our covid tests … all negative … to be able to return to the USA. Then, the afternoon was filled with more personal discussions with Dr. K and Dr. D about our projects. Our last shared sentiments include:
Thomas – I will miss doing morning observations. I’ll have to go back home and observe the wildest animal of them all … Americans.
Ella – this experience is something I’ll never forget and I’ve had the most amazing time learning about field research and dolphins. I will miss Roatan greatly … and this group of people.
Reagan – unlike Thomas, I will not miss waking up at 5:30 in the morning, but I will miss dolphins’ silly little faces and the gorgeous weather of Roatan.
Brynn – It is a very bittersweet leaving. I will miss the dolphins and all of the people, but I will not miss having my dry sheets feel wet.
Haylee – This trip was an amazing experience to learn about research in the field and experience another country and I’m grateful to have participated.
Allison – I’ve met so many amazing people on this trip and I’m excited to see some familiar faces on campus.
Hannah – this was truly the experience of a lifetime and I will really miss it here. I learned so much and can’t wait to continue working on my research project and I’m excited to see what my future holds.
Kya – although I am sad to leave Roatan tomorrow, I am very grateful for all of the unique and life-changing experiences I’ve had here.
Maddie M – I’ve had such a great time on this trip. I’m so sad to leave. I’ll never forget all the amazing memories I’ve had here (because I journaled!).
Justin – everything about Roatan I will cherish dearly. The research the teachings the people and even every little bug bite. I will miss the morning observations and the sunsets so I’m glad tonight’s was the last one I was able to see here.
Cacie – It has been an exciting and educational trip. And, I’m ready to go home.
Maddie S – I’m so glad I was able to experience this research trip and cannot wait to go home and tell my family and friends all about it.
Catalina – I am very grateful for everything I have learned this week and for having such great mentors this early in my life. I will miss everyone’s company and I hope there is a future when we will cross paths again in our careers.
Arianna – I’ve created such wonderful memories. And if only my phone did not drop in the water, I could see the pictures too.
Selina – this trip is definitely worth more than the price that I paid, especially all the cool and talented friends I’ve made.
Marissa – I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know some of the CSU staff in a different light. I have made so many great memories and I will miss getting to snorkel so often.
Shelby – I will greatly miss the food here and not having to cook. I’m sad to say goodbye but I’m excited to see where I go next.
Abbie – This has truly been a privilege. Watching students learn and grow. And learning to recognize dolphins every day.
Manon – I’m glad I got to share this week with such an interactive group of students. And I wish them a safe travel home.
John – We all got a bit windblown today.
Shane – I got nothing, time to go home.
Thank you so much to Kathleen, Shane, John & Manon for sharing their expertise and advice with us. We are extremely grateful, working with you this week has been amazing. (Applause.)
Until then,
CSU Dolphin Gang plus a TX rattler with DCP
P.S. John using a tree as a wind buffer for a video shot today.