The CSU group had their last data collection/observation session this morning. The “cover” photo shows me collecting data and a student team on platform 3 with Shane observing from the west side of the lagoon. (Thank you for the photo, Marc!) Each of three student teams collected space use data and surface observations while I was collecting data with the MVA. It was a morning full of activity!
The panorama shot shows some of the surface activity while Marc watches from a finger dock and Alexa records data on the platform. Ashley is behind the camera, taking the photo!
This group did a great job of getting into the grove of data collection. And, the dolphins – several of them – came to the corner of the lagoon while we waited for the water taxi to take us closer to breakfast.
With the CSU group, we collected ~3.5 hours of video with the GoPro and the MVA in 7 early morning sessions. It was lovely to collect data this morning …
Manon and I had to move to a different room and we settled in nicely and spent a bit of time sorting data and preparing for the next group of students. They are participants in the University of Bologna’s Master Course in Large Vertebrates. They had a lengthy wait in the San Pedro Sula airport (see photo) but arrived happily to AKR.
Their first view of Bailey’s was from the lookout near the AKR dining room (see photo). And we look forward to introducing them to the dolphins tomorrow morning.
Here’s to another week of dolphin observations and data collection!
Kathleen, Manon and the UofB group (signature name TBD)