It’s not that I can pack for my field sessions in my sleep. It’s that I have a trusty “to-include” list that makes packing easy with each passing year! The MVA and hydrophones are tucked into their bag with care and cushioning. Mask, fins, snorkel are snuggled adjacent to wet suit, bathing suits and rash/sun guard shirts. The cameras are in my carryon bag along with the data notebook with blank sheets waiting for observations of dolphin behavior and vocal activity!
I’ve connected with Dr. Heather Hill via email to confirm the student group is ready—the group joining me at Anthony’s Key Resort (AKR) and the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS) for a week of observations and data collection is from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX. You’ll meet then in a day or two as the students will be writing the daily blogs for the week.
I look forward to seeing the dolphins again, and of course the humans who care for them and the humans who care for us during our field course/data collection session. I wonder whether the dolphins will ignore me or greet me – in this image from October, Callie and Poli seem to check me out.
One thing I do not have worry about preparing for is the humidity or heat of the sun! I.e., traveling to Roatan from Florida is simply trading one area’s humidity for another’s. And, residing in Florida has given me a good sun-tan base, though I did double check that I packed my reef-safe sunblock!
Stay tuned to the DCP home page for the next week or so for daily updates from Roatan!