So much of my spring and summer revolves around advertising for interns, interviewing potential interns, preparing for interns, meeting interns, working with interns…and then they are gone! Poof! This year’s team, which included first-year interns Tori, Patrick and Kaiya, was absolutely phenomenal. But, as August rolled around, I knew that one-by-one, I’d be saying, “See you later” to each of them. And, now, as planned, they have all said goodbye to Bimini and returned to their other lives…
So, on Thursday I prepped for my first intern-less dolphin trip in quite a while. And, then it rained. And rained. And looked as though it might rain some more. So, with the dolphin trip canceled, I did some other DCP tasks. Friday was more office work and Saturday was a (mostly) day off. On Sunday, I was thrilled to climb back aboard the Coral Reef II, Shedd Aquarium’s research and education vessel. I really enjoyed my lunch chat with students (and teachers!) from Chicago City Day School. Visiting school groups aboard the CRII are some of the highlights of my season – thank you!
The research season is winding down, but I’ll still search for dolphins when boat trips allow – so stay tuned! And thanks to everyone who followed the adventures of the 2017 Volunteer Field Experience Participants and Summer Interns!
Until next time,