I find myself ready for a break after our field courses, as just about anyone would. But as I say goodbye to the students (and professors!), I mean it when I say I wish they weren’t going. Can’t we all just take a day off and then have the class start right up again?
I must extend a huge thank you to Dr. Yeater and her students. This group stayed focused and excited throughout their entire 12 night course. You were a pleasure to have and even though I might need a new hard drive just to store all the photos and videos you took (oh, what an awful problem!), I do hope each and every one of you had a positive experience. Our course wrapped up with a beach clean-up, free time to explore Bimini, a final photo-ID session, a dock-side BBQ with fellow hotel guests and a stop at Sherry’s Beach Bar. A fantastic finale to a fantastic course.
Until next time,