King Neptune blessed our trip north with flat calm seas.
Today was the first day at sea for our second trip out here. We had a sea state of zero or one. Amazingly calm with little wind at all. Our visibility was great and allowed us to observe at least 5 turtles breathing. The most common species observed here is the hawksbill. We stopped at the marina in West End to fuel up and have lunch and then continued north. Just after anchoring we saw a group of dolphins but they were not too interested in us. Still it felt like a good omen to see them upon arrival. Let me introduce you all to Pepe. He is our Bahamian Captain. Actually, he is the only Bahamian captain for any boat that comes north to observe the spotted dolphins. He is a true character – loud and sometimes obnoxious but with a huge heart. He also truly cares about the dolphins and the human visitors that come to meet them. We are lucky to have Pepe – not only is he an awesome captain but he is a Swiss-trained chef. Our meals are always a delight. Take a look at our research vessel and Pepe on their web site at You can even get a glimpse of some of the dolphins we have been observing. Cheers Kathleen