Original Airdate: 28 April 2020 at 1 PM EDT
Join the DCP team as we introduce you to the bottlenose dolphins at Blue Lagoon Island (BLI) home of Dolphin Encounters, in The Bahamas. Kathleen is joined by Annette, Director of Education & Staff Development at BLI. We were even joined by a few dolphins who photo-bombed Annette as she chatted about the dolphins and we learned a bit more about them and their home.
This program is geared toward ages 6 – 13, but dolphin lovers of all ages should enjoy it. No need to do anything in advance. Just tune in!
You can learn more about Blue Lagoon Island at their website and on their social media at:
Facebook – @bahamasBlueLagoon
Instagram – BlueLagoonIsland
Twitter – @BlueLagoonIslnd (Yes, missing a)
Missed our earlier webinars? Check out the recordings on YouTube, including our first Dolphin Lesson on photo-ID.
Check out the DCP website (https://www.dolphincommunicationproject.org/index.php/get-involved/webinars) or DCP’s YouTube channel to find more archived programs. On DCP’s website, you can also find free, downloadable STEAM activities for kids (look under the education tab). Stay tuned to our social media for upcoming webinars, field programs and more!