We’ve got a brand-new format for The Dolphin Pod that is equal parts science and magic. Yes, MAGIC! We’ll be discussing a recently published scientific article about bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Trieste that engage in what news outlets have dubbed timesharing – with two dolphin groups using the same habitat at different times of day. Laura and Justin use the magic of podcasting to transport themselves onto a small boat off the coast of Slovenia where they see “first hand” what these timesharing dolphins get up to. What do you think of the new format? Get in touch with us via social media at https://twitter.com/dolphincommu or https://facebook.com/dolphincommunicationproject/ and let us know! Kje si!
Show notes:
This episode features research from Morigenos – the Slovenian Marine Mammal Society. Learn more about their work at:
The primary article being discussed is:
Genov T., Centrih T., Kotnjek P., Hace A. 2019. Behavioural and temporal partitioning of dolphin social groups in the northern Adriatic Sea. Marine Biology 166: 11.
We also discuss the following article:
Genov T., Jepson P.D., Barber J.L., Hace A., Gaspari S., Centrih T., Lesjak J., Kotnjek P. 2019. Linking organochlorine contaminants with demographic parameters in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins from the northern Adriatic Sea. Science of the Total Environment 657: 200-212.
These darts are quite small and cause minimal discomfort to the dolphin: “Tips measured 25mm in length and 8mm in diameter and had a cylindrical punch fitted with three internal barbs (to hold a sample in place) attached to modified darts. A cylindrical foam stopper caused the bolt to rebound after impact and limited the penetration depth to 20mm.”
For more information on the other bottlenose dolphin groups mentioned, visit website for the following research groups:
And this is how you write the Slovene phrase “kje si!” which means something like “what’s up”. Here’s an actual Slovenian Eurovision singer (Anika Horvat) singing the words
kje si.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mF9C1zFNw8 Our pronunciation is not too far off, eh?
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