Today was a sunny, warm, delightful day! And, we shook things up a bit – in more ways than the hermit crab race, limbo contest, and Garifuna dancing! Manon did the morning data collection session! You can see Rocky leaping with joy after she finished the session … and though they share the frame, neither Manon nor Kathleen saw his leap! (Thank you, Jill, for catching that image!) According to Manon, while very interested in her fins, none of the dolphins were disconcerted by the new pair of fins pushing around the MVA. Kami was actually on top of all the other dolphins around Manon and seemed to need to share Manon’s space!
Buzz was the trach picker-upper of the day (Thank you!), and we collectively followed his lead by conducting our own “trash snorkel” on the other side of Bailey’s Key this morning. Erich, Tracy, Manon, and Kathleen snorkeled with bags to fill with trash after the winter storm earlier this week. Rebecca navigated her kayak around us and acted as the “garbage truck” for us to deposit our treasures.
For some of us, the afternoon was spent observing dolphins both live at Bailey’s Key while a couple of us enjoyed the Spa menu after which we all watched and commented on the morning video session. Which was pretty good … good underwater vis. and good capture of individuals on screen. Then, we all primped before joining AKR’s Fiesta festivities. DCP’s streak is alive and well, thank you, Tracy and crab #4 (aka Herman)! Herman took round 1 and round 2 of the crab race.
Generally, today was a great sunny and full day! The warmth was more than welcome!
Tomorrow brings another early morning data collection session and then … we shall see!
Until then,
DCP’s first January 2024 ecotour group