Session Summary!

What a Month! We were joined by three different groups for our month-long session to AKR and RIMS this spring. Thank you to the York U group led by Kristin and the CSU study abroad students led by Shane, as well as Bill and Savanna in our last week – all for joining us! Thank you to the dolphins (especially Gracie, pictured here) for their patience with our non-invasive observations. We collected nearly 500 GB of video and photo data with the MVA and GoPro cameras. That’s 659 minutes of video data, which is about 11 hours of video data with the GoPro and then another 11 hours with the MVA. We collected space use data across 21 sessions associated with Kathleen’s data collection and also a couple associated with encounters and swims. It was a productive field session that will keep us busy with data analyses for months, if not years, to come.


Kathleen & Manon