Tuesday (May 12) – greeted by clear water and socially active dolphins

This morning was another early data collection session. I was in the water by 6:45 am and my team was in place. The sun was shining and the underwater visibility was about 5 m and clear. Very good conditions. The dolphins greeted me and then went on their way to interact with each other … just what I was hoping for this morning.

I observed them for about 30 minutes. Bill and Ronnie were together and played a bit with Fiona a bit into my session. I also saw Bailey get a bit pushy with those three and Bill jaw clapped at her. At this point, Bailey left view … and I learned shortly she went to her mom, Cedena, for a bit of comfort maybe. Cedena pec fin rubbed her and then got in the middle of the melay with the other young dolphins … almosy as if to say to Bailey that soon she’d have to fend for herself if she was going to start things.

Maury was playing with Margarita, Mrs Beasley’s youngest calf, for a bit early in the half hour and then for the last ten minutes she had Bailey and Fiona with her. It seemed like Maury was practicing some skills with these two young females that she might need with her own calf … sooner rather than later since Maury is pregnant with her first calf.

Aother good morning for data collection.

Until tomorrow


P.S. to the Wallingford DRTs … I have the 2009 sketches begun and almost set for us to use when we begin reviewing the new data. 🙂