
As I explained the data forms, I was greeted with the same confused looks I always get on the first session for data collection with our RIMS eco-tourists. But, our DRT team quickly learned the protocol while collecting data along the rickety dock walkway. They were hardly distracted by the dolphins trying to shift their attention! There are 19 dolphins in this group at RIMS. The dolphins are: females – Mrs. B, Gracie, Alita, Cedana, Carmella, Mika, Maury, Fiona, Bailey and Margarita; males – Paya, Hector, Ritchie, Ken, Mr. French, Anthony, Bill, Ronnie, Dixon. It was great to see them all and listen to their whistles. The dolphins had growth spurts! They all seem huge this year.

Our snorkel check out followed the data collection – so the DRTs could cool off from the hot sun and enjoy the critters living below the waves. Everyone did well and saw many fish, including one fairly large permit, which was very curious about each of us in turn.
Our boat for the snorkel trip left the dock at 14:30 and went to “fish den” which lived up to its name. LOTS and LOTS of fish: it was a blast. Everyone had a good time. And, tonight we learned which fish species we saw during the fish ID lecture.

Tomorrow is an early day with data collection beginning at 6:30 am …
Until our next report, cheers
Kathleen & the DRTs