It was only about 8 minutes but really cool.
Christer has worked mostly with adult and sub-adult dolphins while using the pec pac in the past. Thus, the smaller harness was not tight on Ronnie’s pec, but it stayed in place. Christer had sent 2 pacs, but only one with a girdle for the tag- the one without fit Ronnie. So after two failed attempts (Velcro and big elastic bands) to keep the tag in place, we resorted to the “glue that holds the universe together”- Duct Tape. It worked. Alas, Ronnie seemed able to slip the harness off when he really tried. (This reminds me Umi when, as a puppy, she slipped her harness off much to my chagrin and her delight.) Still, we were able to get 8 minutes of data with MOSART while I filmed with the array- and Ronnie interacting with Richie and Mika. Of course, nothing new in research is easy. Later in the day, we tried to retrieve the data from the 2 CFC cards. To make a long story short, the PC we brought works great to clear the cards (not our current desire) but not to download the data (operation support errors). We found another laptop, available tomorrow, and we will try them to access today’s data. A good day that wound down with us reviewing the video and talking about dolphin behavior. Till tomorrow, Kathleen P.S. Day 4 of the defection of Sandra and Mattias’ bags. They are either back in Paris or in Miami or in Houston. No one seems to know. Maybe tomorrow?