It was all I hoped you would be…
So, I switched my strategy today: a half hour AM session followed by a 1 hour afternoon session. I was treated to GREAT visibility (10 meters plus) with sun mostly so I could again watch, and identify, dolphins as they played (Ken, Jack, Mr. French, Fiona, Bill, Ronnie), cruised along (Esteban, Hector, Paya, Maury) or circled the periphery of the young (Mrs. Beasley, Alitia, Gracie, Carmella). I’ve seen more of Mrs. Beasley these 2 weeks than all of the last 2 years! She is a very attentive mother to Mr. French. Carmella also comes closer than last year. Sometimes the adult females whistle (with or with out bubbles) and their respective calves return to their sides (sometimes, if the game is good, their return is slow). This reminds me of Umi on our walks when the smell are just too good and she walks very slow, nose to the ground. The young were jawing and rolling, rubbing over each other. They seem already to have set up favorites, or buddies. Mika and Maury are sometimes together, though Maury also seems to be spending much time with Paya (the dominant male). Over the years, with our study of dolphins in Japan and the Bahamas, we glimpse at relationships; time spent together used to suggest friendships. With the dolphins here, we have more time to watch and observe fewer dolphins: the relationships and individualities are more pronounced. Neat staff! Till tomorrow, Kathleen