…is a good indication of the same action underwater.
Once again, I was Ronnie’s chew toy. He actually just mouthed me, or poked me, or bumped me (or the hydrophones). But this was not full session behavior. Maybe he realizes that I’m boring when I have the green camera? The visibility was better but not great. We watched the calves chase each other followed by brief wrestling matches. This action alternated with each calf then being called back to mom. I witnessed, and recorded, much pec fin rubbing and got some good data. We also did a later morning session. Our data was entered in the late AM and our afternoon included a Canopy Tour. The tour is updated with more safety gear – LuAnne from last year will be pleased to know the trecs now have foam padding! The trip was fun for all and a good last afternoon activity. Cheers, Kathleen P.S. The airlines now say they have no record of their dive gear but the clothing bag is in Houston, or maybe Miami. Hope the bags are having a good trip.