Meeting Carmella, Ritchie, Fiona + 'Mr. French'
It felt almost like coming home today (except that John + Umi weren't here). Bill, Ronnie, Maury, and Mika are only 1 year older but grew much! Gracie is pregnant, Mrs. Beasly had a male calf about 1 month ago, and Fieona (born last year to Alita) is more rambunctious than Ronnie ever was! Hector + Esteban had a tiff adjacent to me but nothing too serious.
I introduced our team # 1 to surface observations and use of the 'surface' hydrophone. They did well for their first session. I was buzzed continuously by the dolphins but most of the adults ignored me. I came away with 31 min viedo. A great start-even though the current was really strong and I am exhausted.
We start early tomorrow….so I'll sign off til then.