Welcome to DCP’s 2002 Field Season

Beginning of Field Reports from Mikura Island, Japan

Welcome back to our online field reports site. As usual, our summer season begins in Japan. I, Kathleen, will write the reports from Japan (May and June) and from the White Sand Ridge, Bahamas (August & September). As in the past, I will post updates about my field research gathering data studying dolphin communication. I will include collection procedures, preliminary analyses and various anecdotes. I will also include glimpses into my life among the community on Mikura Island. Afterall, we are visiting a different culture and community and we must share what we learn and find with them, with the scientific and general audiences as well.

As I write this entry (to be posted tonight), I am on a plane bound for Tokyo, Japan. The last several days were spent packing and preparing my gear. I was actually able to get my array and click detector into two large checked bags. My pelican case was 69 lbs! I will ship my gear to Mikura Island from the airport but not arrive there myself till the morning of 15 May. I have a few meetings with colleagues and friends around Tokyo and then will meet fellow researchers at the ferry terminal for our return to Mikura Island.

So … welcome to our reports. I will try to write each day and keep you involved in the next 6 weeks of data collection. FYI … if after 14 May, the next few reports are delayed by several days, that will mean that I am having trouble accessing the phone system and the reports will be posted in weekly installments.


P.S. About once a week, I will check the Ask Kathleen section of these reports and post answers from the last review. Thanks for your patience with my delays in replying to your questions.