Meeting with friends & colleagues to plan workshop and collaborations
My first weekend back to Japan after about a year away was a good one. I was able to catch up with some friends and meet with other researchers and staff
regarding our mutual projects studying the Mikura bottlenose dolphins as well as a workshop that we will give to the children on Mikura. Adults and island guests will be welcome, but our program will be geared to the younger generation(s).
It is hard to believe that we are nearing nine years of data collection and observation on this group of dolphins around Mikura Island. I first learned about the bottlenose dolphins around Mikura Island at a symposium in 1994 in Enoshima, Japan. I returned in 1995 to assist the NGO group, ICERC Japan, establish their research protocol. We have observed much and learned more during the last 8 years! A brief intro to the results and DCP's work can be found on our web site on the Japan research page.)
I leave tomorrow night for Mikura via ferry. I will meet with Kogi, Masaki and Hasegawa (all last names) at the ferry terminal, Takeshiba Shimbashi.
This is the Takeshiba ferry terminal/port. The ferry leaves at ~ 10 pm and we will arrive at ~6 am at Mikura.
Chat with you more throughout the next two months.