Joana & Robin return to Mississippi via Tokyo.
This was Joana and Robin's first trip to Japan, and Mikura Island. It was their first trip to observe and swim with wild dolphins. They got a firsthand idea of what field work requires and how unpredictable dolphins can be in their behavior and actions. Dolphins and their interactions and behavior and communication are always, however, fascinating. Later this year, in the fall, we will post summaries of the research planned by Joana and Robin. The ferry left today in the early afternoon. Then, I spent time reviewing tapes and updating my research logs. I also showed some of the video taken over the last couple of days to a few guests who'd shared the boat with us. I don't tire of watching the dolphins behavior. Each time I watch a tape, I see something new. Tonight I will join a celebration for two residents of Mikura. A teacher and one of the nurses were married yesterday and the BBQ celebration is tonight. I look forward to congratulating the new couple. So, I hope you all have a good night and I'll write more tomorrow. Cheers Kathleen