I was almost grateful of the wind because it meant that my body would get a rest.
Okay, I admit it, I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. It was wonderful! I also have begun the task of preparing for the end of this year's field season. That is, I made a list of people I need to write thank you letters to and began drafting them. I also finished tape 9 with respect to video logging the dolphin identities that can be made. The was the tape that was recorded on Sunday (17 min) and Monday (40 min).
On Monday, I was able to confirm four adult males newly seen for this season as well as two more adult females with 2 yr old juveniles! And, I believe I recorded the Adult female who had her calf on 9 July … but I must have two other researchers review the videotapes for confirmation. I'll keep you posted on her identity.
The early evening was spent at a summer festival put on by the Kindergarten class. There are 14 students in the pre-school/kindergarten class. The mom's made a few types of food. We all bought 400 yen food tickets and received a raffle number aswell as food in exchange. Delicious! The toung class performed a few songs for us after we dined. And, I won a hand-knitted sweater! About half the village participated in the evening's festivities.
The wind is supposed to decrease tonight … let's hope so as the number of days available to me for boat trips is dwindling swiftly (only 5 remaining).