Another 30 min of video recorded!

A morning boat trip around Mikura presented us with more than 70 dolphins!

A few senchoo took advantage of the weather (no swell, light wind, good visbility) to fish or collect seaweed … and to lunch on the water under a clear blue sky. We searched for, found, and observed (i.e., swam with) dolphins. We had four sightings today: at Shirataki, Eigasawa, Kowajiri and Ebiiso. The first two groups had ~20 and ~30 individual dolphins each. The second two each about half that number.

Overall, the dolphins were resting: moving back and forth slowly between geographic points (e.g., the first group between Shirataki and Kurosaki). Still, there were a few younger dolphins game for a bit of play and circle swimming.

We were able to identify several dolphins on sight and will confirm many more from the video. We saw three of this year's calves with their moms – Maekake (#033), Shakure (#065), and #060. Y-chan is almost an adult female and I'd not be surprised if she had her first calf this or next year. She also has many new scars on her dorsal fin and body. In fact, many of the dolphins have several new cuts or scars.

A good day on the water and a warm afternoon to review data sheets and video.