Miyake & the volcano eruptions |
Some of you may remember that when I was in Japan last year, the volcanoe on Miyake erupted. Not lava, but gas and ash. The smoke clouds were amazing and quite tall. In late August, when I was in the Bahamas, I received messages from friends that the entire island (popn. ~3500 people) was evacuated. The latest estimates are that people will not be able to return home for ten to twenty years! yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, the island moved to the west by about 5 cm and the mountain, previously ~820 m tall) is now about 400 m tall. And the crater at the 'mount's' summit is now greater than 400 m in diamter. Hard to imagine. I will see Miyake from a distance once I have arrived on Mikura. I'll fill you all in on howe she looks. Stay safe. i leave tomorrow. Cheers Kathleen