Even though rain greeted our morning, the clouds did part and we did see the sun today! It was very welcome. The underwater visibility was exceptionally good, but Lenca, Stan, and Tank decided Kathleen’s fins would be a great toy. So, the session was truncated to only ~17 min. Still, we got some great footage and had at least 6-8 dolphins in view mostly. Buzz tried to entice Kathleen to play with seaweed near the end of the session (She resisted!).
Today was “Maya Key” day and Rebecca, Eric, Tracy, and Jillian all took the boat over to Maya Key … to snorkel, enjoy an island buffet, and check out the rescued animals and visit the Mayan ruin replica. Their ride back was a tad bumpy but all in all a good day.
Kathleen and Manon stayed back and did some dolphin observations and also had to shift rooms as their AC unit decided to die (not sure it was a slow death, but it was truly done). We enjoyed going back and forth up/down a set of 6-8 stairs moving all our belongings. And, as we write this, we are bathed in a cool dry air!
Dinner was yummy and at least 3 of our group enjoyed Margarita Monday!
Tomorrow begins with AM data collection – woohoo!
Until then,
DCP’s first January 2024 ecotour group