Automobiles, ‘trains’, and planes! (Not quite the movie!) We started the day in the car then to the monorail train between the car rental return and the airport. Then we waited and waited before taking ‘our’ (shared with many other travelers) plane to Roatan. Our long wait was in a line of 14-15 planes waiting for takeoff! It was a busy day at MIA!
Then, once Roatan was in site (see featured photo), we waited some more … in a circle pattern to the west of the island before the tower changed its mind and we had to land now! You can see our circle pattern as photographed from the FlightAware app!
Guess what?! After landing, we waited more! In the immigration and customs lines … We were not the only late arrival and there were about a plane and a half of visitors in line before us that went slowly.
Still, we arrived safely and made it to AKR in time for supper. And thank you to Denry for leaving the MVA case out for us to collect. If the visibility is ok underwater tomorrow, then we’ll have a session. (It was rainy and windy this morning, which meant icky underwater visibility. Fingers crossed)
Until tomorrow,
Kathleen & Manon
P.S. one of our DCP ecotourists also arrived today – and we shared dinner with Tracy. You’ll meet the rest of the gang tomorrow.