Dolphin Morning and Fiesta Night!

Today began another delightful day with underwater observations of the dolphins at Bailey’s Key. And I was joined by almost everyone for the data collection session at 6:15 AM! And it was the first morning of the week that a few dolphins greeted me as I entered the lagoon to collect data! Lenca and Rocky were there to “say good morning”! And Kami with Poli close by spent quite a bit of time checking out the MVA and hydrophones. She even tapped the GoPro and the hydrophones with her rostrum. Rocky and Buzz also greeted Irma and Stephanie with sea grass once I’d finished and exited the water. It was a fun way to end the session and start the rest of the day! The dolphins were not the only beings with giant smiles!

The morning dives had better visibility than my data collection session and the afternoon included some snorkeling and a few more dives. Kate, Linnea, and Shannon got a chance to visit Bill G. and his nearly complete dolphin sculpture. Everyone was all smiles!

The evening wrapped up with the AKR Fiesta night party. We enjoyed the buffet (YUM! … but no mac ‘n cheese) and the Garifuna dancers. And, DCP’s streak is intact as Stephanie is this week’s Limbo Queen! woohoo!


Kathleen & DCP’s 2023 Ecotour Team (Don, Linnea, Kate, Bill, Stephanie, Shannon, John, Scott, Irma, Louise, Dick)