Glorious sunshine … for our travel to Nassau!

The day started early and beautifully! We needed to say bye to Kel, Al and everyone on Bimini for our trek to Nassau. We reversed our arrival by riding the ferry taxi to South Bimini for the airplane ride to Nassau. And then, we sat in the airport “forever” … our first sunny day in what felt like a week … spent inside an airport waiting for our plane to arrive.

We brought the rain to Nassau – flying threw a few thunderheads – but it didn’t last all day. We arrived to Sunrise Beach Condo and settled in. We have both pool side and ocean front access and views.

While Kathleen went to the grocery store, our E&E team played games … training games with skittles for rewards. The information was about operant conditioning. The evening finished up with a delicious spaghetti dinner and a hopeful, soothing and beautiful sunset. It was refreshing to see the sun today and we have high hopes for its return tomorrow morning.

Until then,

The 2012 Ethology Class Crew (ECCs)