DE was busy today so we only had the morning data collection session. This allowed me to review some of the previous footage and to review the data forms. This session is truly a good one for me … I am able to focus on the social interaction and exchange between the individual dolphins. And, watching the pairs and groups. This morning, before getting in the water, I watched Jake, McGyver and Stormy shift in pair swims and exchange rubs and pec contacts. Jake and Stormy hung out together mostly during this time.
This afternoon our nephews (Ben and Sam) and brother-in-law (Eric) are arriving to help with data collection for a day or two. About 5 years ago, Ben and Sam told me theyhad started swim lessons so that they could help me study dolphins. I made them a deal: they learned to swim and reacched ~10 years old and they could help me.
So, tomorrow evening, I will include some of their comments about meeting dolphins for the first time and helping me with data collection and research. I am not sure if they or I am more excited!