Still, I was able to observe the boys once more this trip. Jake, McGyver, Stormy, Andy, Shawn, Goombay and Salvador (the latter two below) swam all around me, and shared pec fin and body rubs. They also peppered me (so to speak) with buzzes and echolocation. Stormy and Goombay also whistled up a storm (not literally, thank goodness).
Goombay also nibbled on my fins again, but to no avail. He also swam at me exhaling the widest bubble stream you could imagine! I laughed through my snorkel — so maybe he found another way to get me to react!
Today was a nice way to finish up our winter season in Nassau. And, the day wrapped up with a visit to the Department of Marine Resources, overseer of the Marine Mammal rules and regulations for The Bahamas. I confirmed our 2008 permits and submitted reports from last year.
I will try to log on tomorrow with a summary note of our data for this trip. Until then, I hope you enjoy the photos below. GoomBay (on right) and Sal kept vigil as I exited the water. Goombay even tried to use the MVA (or so it seemed).