Signature calls are calls that animals use to identify each other, and they are rare in the animal kingdom! Bottlenose dolphins have them, but do narwhals? Find out what the research tells us so far in this talk led by Dr. Audra Ames.
Dr. Ames is a bioacoustician, specializing in the communication signals of toothed whale species. In particular her interests are signature signals, sound production processes, and the impacts of human-made noise on important toothed whale sounds.
This Deep Dive is geared toward ages 14+, but all are welcome.
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Live: Monday 30 September 2024, 5:00 p.m. ET (New York, Miami)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82817907144 or Meeting ID 828 1790 7144
Contact DCP for the password: info[at]dcpmail[dot]org (Deep Dives and Dolphin Lessons have different passwords!)
Recording will be posted on our YouTube channel, Vimeo, and right here, on our website.