A very early travel day brought our CSU team to Roatan in the early afternoon. Everyone got settled in followed by an orientation and then a visit to Bailey’s Key to meet the dolphins. After a yummy supper, we watched some of the video Kathleen recorded this morning and began practice at recognizing the individual dolphins. We each had one statement about the day, with more to follow tomorrow after our first set of observations.
Ember – I can’t wait to get to know the dolphins better.
Natalie – Sleepy but still excited. Weather is way better than Colorado.
Adilia – Learning my group mates’ names is much easier than trying to distinguish the dolphins.
Amelia – The beautiful view of Roatan when you first arrive is breathtaking.
Halle – The sleepless night was so worth it for this amazing experience.
Lauren – Excited and prepared for the most unique experience of my life.
Madison – Excited to be back. Always grateful to be part of this experience.
Ron – I’m just grateful to be able to share this experience with family again. It’s so unique and special.
Manon – First peak at dolphins on a sunny day. Goodbye to 2022.
Shane – Impressed by the gratitude and fortitude of the group after a very long first day.
Happy New Year’s eve to everyone and “see you next year!”
CSU Group 1 (a team name to follow tomorrow once we have rested and revived our brain cells!) or Sleepy Rams
P.S. the cover photo is on the water taxi on the way to our rooms for meetings with our pillows. And the photo below is Tank spitting water in copy of Bailey!