Early AM data collection on the dolphins was quiet today – there was little activity at the surface and some action underwater. Still, it was a great day to watch the dolphins and it was not raining.
We had a brief breakfast and then went on a boat snorkel – we boated to the West End area and snorkeled on a lovely reef with lots of fish. The cover photo was us trying to get a photo with the Study Abroad flag! We had a few tries before getting that shot!
After lunch, we had our covid tests to re-enter the USA – we are all negative – Hurray! The afternoon brought some of us a second snorkel and others a nap! And, we had an interesting presentation by Dr. Z. on eco-toxicology and then some of us reviewed our projects with Dr. K and Dr. D. Our impressions of the day follow.
Caroline – Wow what a week! It has been filled with dolphin encounters, research and getting to know the wonders of the ocean.
Peyton – I had a great time snorkeling this morning even though it wore me out. And, I’m not ready to leave tomorrow.
Sia – I got to snorkel twice today! I’m sad to be going home tomorrow but am grateful for every opportunity we’ve had here.
Nicole – Super sad that today was the last full day. But very grateful for the opportunity to have been here the whole week.
Tess – I saw some cool stuff snorkeling today, like a lionfish, but I wish I had more time here.
Sophia – this was the most incredible opportunity and experience. I am so fortunate to have been able to come here and to have learned so much.
Laurel – I had the most wonderful time on this trip. While I am sad to leave tomorrow, I am thrilled to be leaving with a little more knowledge on dolphin behavior and physiology.
Beck – After having a lovely breakfast, we went for a nice snorkel and swam among some fish and saw a sea turtle and then after that went for another snorkel and saw a sting ray (KD comment – we did other stuff in there, too)
Elena – It was the hardest thing not to take sea grass from Ronnie this morning. But so happy I got to see a sea turtle during our snorkel. So sad that it is our last full day on the island. But thankful for this one-of-a-kind experience.
Sofia – For this sunny last day, I was lucky enough to spot a queen triggerfish, a huge barracuda and to paddle board with friends. This will be a week I will always remember.
Lindsey – The final boat snorkel was breathtaking. Watching the fish swim by and the underwater city was a perfect end to the adventure.
Katy – the two snorkels today were incredibly rich in biodiversity and rounded off an incredible week. But seeing an agouti carrying a coconut has got to be one of the strangest things I have ever seen!
Bri – I’m sad that this is my last day in Roatan, but I am very grateful for the experience. And, seeing a wild sea turtle for the first time was amazing.
Bailey – this week has been great. I have learned so much not only about dolphins but also about corals and sea turtles. Seeing a sea turtle on our snorkel today was a fantastic way to end this week.
Nate – Seeing a sea turtle while snorkeling was a great way to round out my trip. I have really enjoyed my time on Roatan.
Paige – I always enjoy spending time with leaders in the field of marine science. And I’ve enjoyed meeting new experts and aspiring students.
Manon – got to witness an up-close fight between two barracuda today. Quite epic.
Dr. Z. – Happy that I could see for the first time in my life a wild sea turtle today. But sad that tomorrow I have to leave this wonderful island.
Dr. K. – Thank you Annalisa for a wonderful talk. Thank you, students for a good time. And it’s time to go home.
The evening meal was yummy! And we watched the morning data collection video and did all of our check out and pre-check logistics. And, Manon and Dr. D. surprised us with an ID quiz! Elena got the most right with 17 and Sophia was next with 16 IDs correct! Well done!
We have our last AM data collection session tomorrow at 6:15 AM.
Until then,
Team Naturally Selected