DCP is pleased to announce the newest dolphin available for adoption: Joanne! Joanne (ID#86) was first documented by researchers in 2004, but they had a hard time keeping her straight! This adult female’s distinct pattern behind her blowhole is easy to see from the boat; the pattern below her eye is easy to see under water.
If you are interested in adopting Joanne, please click here to learn all about our adopt-a-wild-dolphin program. But, since Joanne’s own webpage isn’t up and running yet, please email us at to adopt Joanne. Please include the following information:
Purchaser’s Name, Purchaser’s Email, Name on Certificate, Is this a gift?, Recipient’s email, if different (so he or she can receive our quarterly newsletter!), Shipping Address
We’ll send you payment instructions upon receipt!
You can also support DCP by purchasing products with Joanne’s image at www.cafepress.com/dolphinjoanne.
Joanne was named by Pierre-Yves Binz for Joanne von Beust.