Even with the frequent power outages that have been occurring on the island, we have been trying to get a dose of our daily dolphins. Our days are filled with photo sorting or video logging of “our dolphins.” It isn’t the same as being out on the water with these beautiful creatures, but at least it’s something – and, it’s an important part of being a DCP intern. We took lunch breaks and went to the beach in our front yard. Even on days without boat trips we find an excuse to be on a boat in the middle of the ocean. With the power being more off than on, we took it as an opportunity to be out on the water.
The Thursday before DCP’s eco-tour, we went out with Bimini SCUBA Center to do some snorkeling. To be out on the water again, with the ocean breeze blowing through my hair was a familiar feeling. It reminded me of the dolphin trips on Renegade and although on a different boat, it filled the void of having a hiatus from boat trips. I was just happy being in the middle of the ocean with nothing but miles and miles of ocean between us and the shoreline.
Friday was a rainy day filled with thunder, lightning, and power outages. We used the short time that we did have power to watch an important soccer game of the World Cup. We watched the United States versus France in the quarterfinals. Naturally, USA took the win over France, and they are heading to the semi-finals. Even though it wasn’t baseball, it was a sport none the less. Nat was way more excited than I was. After this, we tried to make some dinner, but we were met with another power outage. Luckily, the power came back on and we were able to cook some soup before it got too late. After dinner we worked on some more office work before hitting the hay for the night.
As our hiatus ends, we are nothing short of ecstatic to start our dolphin trips again. Looking for dolphins aboard Renegade has been missed by all. We have our first boat trip back aboard on Sunday. We are ready to be knee deep in the water or dolphins somewhere. More adventures to come!
Taylor and Nat