On Thursday, our students from Eastern Kentucky University didn’t have a boat trip, but they still had a busy day! Writing Wednesday’s blog and then heading to the one-room Bimini museum led the students to some free time, including a chance to take themselves out for local food. We came together again in the early afternoon, covering our last class topic: eco-tourism. Students discussed scientific studies on the impact of dolphin-watching tours and then put it in the context of their experience with DCP here in Bimini. Then, we sampled conch fritters (thank you, Lady Barbara!) went over the answers to their info-scavenger hunt at the museum. Let’s just say, this group was one of the liveliest yet! The winning team was awarded a fresh loaf of Mr. Charlie’s coconut bread, which they graciously shared with the rest of us. A short reflection assignment for the folks back at EKU and class was a wrap!
Our evening was still spent together with our last 305 dinner and a fun night out at Sherry’s with Nishka. Kel interrupted the students’ home town favorite playlist for a little Stevie S and everyone got into “Hold ya head.” The expected treat: we all lined up at the beach and saw a rocket head off into space! You read that right. On clear nights, rockets launched from Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center can be visible from Bimini. It’s one of my (Kel’s) absolute favorite things and I didn’t hid my enthusiasm!
The evening wore down and everyone got to take the morning slow as the water taxi didn’t pick the group up until 11:00 a.m. We were there to wave the students goodbye….We’re so grateful for Dr. Radhika Makecha and her enthusiasm and dedication in collaborating with DCP on this program, and of course, the students themselves. As always, thank you to Al Sweeting Jr and Sea Crest Hotel & Marina. We’re proud to support local businesses as we collect our data and provide education programs on Bimini. For now, we’ve got one week to breath, catch up and prep – Sacred Heart University is next up!
Until then,
Kel & Nicole, signing off for Roll Kerns (EKU 2019)
PS: Intrigued by these exciting blog posts? Join DCP in Bimini yourself! It’s last minute, but we’re trying to pull together a group for 11 – 16 August 2019. Check out the details here: https://www.dolphincommunicationproject.org/index.php/get-involved/ecotours/bimini