On Wednesday, I was able to join my first official DCP dolphin trip with Bimini Adventures. We left the Sea Crest marina around 1:30pm to look for dolphins. After two hours of searching and despite our twelve eyes scanning the sea, nothing. But as Kel has told me, we don’t always find them, sometimes they find us… And suddenly, there they are, five spotted dolphins coming straight at us! One juvenile and four adults, among which two well-known females: Romeo (#10) and Swoosh (#36, pictured here, with her tell-tale half-pec fin)!
It’s time for the guests to go in! Because these guests have privately chartered the boat so they can focus on their photography, I stay on the boat and gather surface observations. Al’s guests enjoyed a very close encounter with Romeo, who kept swimming around them! Another juvenile joined us and the little group stayed with us most of the afternoon, riding the bow and swimming around to keep up with the boat.
They left us on our way back to Bimini, riding the boat’s waves one last time.
PS: Did you hear? We’ve added a new chance to come to Bimini and experience DCP’s research and Bimini’s dolphins first-hand. The new session is Aug 11 – 16, 2019. Click here to read more and get your deposit in!