Data (x2!), dives, dolphin encounters and swims … and some rain!

October 2nd started like other days when in the field at AKR – with observations of the dolphins around Bailey’s Key! The sun was shining and the underwater visibility was excellent (~5-6 m with minimal suspended silt). The dolphins were into their own thing – very social and playful with each other. Lenca, Champ and Stan or Lenca, Champ and Ronnie were playing with each other. Dory was curious about my fins but also played with Tank and Poli. I even was able to conduct a follow of Carmella and then also of Mrs. Beasley with Gracie. It was a great early morning session. Several (Ron, Bill, Madison, Nat, Don) of our group went on the first morning dive with Madison and Nat meeting Chris, Dave, Jill and me at Bailey’s at about 9:45 for a second data collection session. The activity was a bit lower but there was still some playful chases and seaweed play games. Jill, Madison and Nat (to the far right in the photo) participated in a dolphin encounter and met Alita after which Nat and Madison spent 30 min snorkeling with the dolphins, with a few other humans too! Their smiles on water exit were almost as large as the dolphins … almost!
Everyone split off a bit to do their own thing in the afternoon, which was punctuated by a heavy downpour and an afternoon of drizzly precipitation. I was able to log the notes from the second data collection session and review and transfer the footage collected. I number each session’s video data sequentially for the full year. This October is my third field session at AKR/RIMS and I filmed the 20th video clip of data this year (so far)! Indeed, this winter will be a busy time for processing video data!
Tomorrow promises more data collection, more snorkeling and more diving.
Stay tuned!
Kathleen and the DCP Eco-tour gang!